Sunday, January 9, 2011

Holiday Recap

I didn't get to share my photos with you during December, but I wanted to make sure I got at least some of the ones from this season up here. So here is a (rather large) small selection of my holiday photos.

This holiday season, we got a lot of snow:

Hope you don't need the street signs to find where you're going...

A lot of snow means... a lot of shoveling:

We had frosted window panes:

And, uh... snowy window panes:

There were a number of parties that happened in the past couple of weeks, which means there were a lot of:

- party preparations

- party celebrations

- and party aftermath...

There were presents under the tree:

Someone found which present belongs to her!

Jam and salsa jars were decorated:

And gifted:

Holiday decorations were up and looking festive at home:

My tree, reflected in the doorknob.

I finally got the wreath I'd been wanting for over a year now (from KnockKnocking).

The big guy helps with tree-decorating...

And holiday decorations were up and looking festive out and about:

W.A. Frost (again)

And the glow of candles lit the dark evenings:

It was hard to narrow the selection down to these few photos - but very fun to go through them all!

I hope you all had a cozy, festive, candle-lit (and possibly snowy) holiday, as well!


  1. Your photos are lovely. (I can see why you posted them all...)

    I love how it seems people from the states get very festive. It is a bit hard to feel festive here when I live in a Muslim country but we tried. =)

  2. Looks like the perfect holiday! K x

  3. All the effrots you put into your present wrapping really paid off - they looked amazing!
    And so much snow! We had quite a bit over here too, but at best it lasted a week...

  4. Sorry, it's not marzipan, but you're kind of on the right track...

  5. Your home is just amazing at Christmas time!! So glad the wreath arrived in good order!



  6. So much snow! Oh my! We have Christmas in the middle of Summer. Mind you it doesn't stop the whole country from having a mass halucination about 'dashing through the snow'. Around here snow frosted windows at Christmas come in a can! Beautiful photographs. Makes me wonder what a winter Christmas would be like...just once!


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by my blog and to let me know what you think. I love hearing from you!