Phewf! Life, slow down so I can catch up! My prolonged absence here is mainly due to the long work hours I've been putting in - six days a week (with the occasional seven-day work week) all day long and some evenings. But I have a lot I want to share with you, so I'll start with a belated OLS meal.
I went to the Farmer's Market to pick up food for our OLS meal, and I came home with, among other things, this gorgeous bouquet and some locally made bread:
I also got more potatoes and green beans, and I picked up some steak from a store near us whose beef is all local. The steak and potatoes went onto the grill:
And the meal looked like this:
It was delicious, yet again!
At the Farmer's Market, I also got some strawberries:
Which I cut up and added some sugar to, to help bring out the juice:
The strawberry salad makes a refreshing summer-time dessert.
In other news, some special birthdays have happened since I last posted. My dad had his on July 2nd, and one of my best friends had hers on July 4th - a lot of people celebrated her birthday :).
I also had a thrifting/antiquing day with some friends, and then another craft day just today. Plenty of things that I want to share with you from both those days, so watch this space!
On a food-related note:
I have mentioned that my husband is a musician, and he was part of something that is really cool that I just wanted to let you know about. One of his band's songs was included on a compilation CD. The CD is presented by "Feed Them With Music," and the purchase of one CD 'delivers 10 hot meals to the starving globally.' There are 10 songs on the CD, so that's a meal a song! If you want more info, please visit: