You may remember sweater # 1 from this post. You haven't seen sweater # 2, because I haven't posted about it...yet. Still need to do the photo shoot (and it's my favorite, too! Soon, soon...)
But on to my third sweater. Here it is, pulled from my to-get-rid-of-because-I-never-wear-it stack of clothes:
Again, I made all the alterations with supplies I already had. I simply cut it down the middle, marked where to sew the ribbon on, and then did the sewing by hand. Since the sweater and ribbon are very fall-ish colors, I decided this would be a good Thanksgiving sweater. So I whipped up a little turkey pin!
I totally forgot to take pictures of the process, but it was very easy. I traced two body shapes by using the bottom of a glass. I hand-drew one feather, and then traced it onto the felt so all the feathers would be about the same. The legs are actually one piece of felt that is connected inside the turkey; I thought it would be more sturdy that way. Everything on the turkey is felt, except for the tiny bead eyes.
To assemble the turkey, I simply sandwiched the feathers and leg piece in between the two body pieces, and glued them together. The head and face are also glued on. The whole thing has a pin back so that I can take it off and wear the sweater for more than one day of the year. (I'm thinking of making another pin to go with the sweater - I've worn it a bunch with just the ribbon as decoration, but I like it with that extra bit of craftiness!).
Here's the Thanksgiving outfit (that ribbon is really a bright orange/white check, it's just not showing up in the photos). And a little closer, to show off my turkey: